I 13
photographic societies, 1283
Rossier, Pierre Joseph, 1213
Saunders, William Thomas, 1244
Thomson, John, 294, 695
von Stillfried-Ratenicz, Baron Raimund,
Weed, Charles Leander, 1484
Chit, Francis, 295
royal photography, 295
Thailand, 295
Chit and Co., 1316–1317
Choiselat, Marie-Charles-Isidore, 295–297,
daguerreotypes, 296, 296–297
historic monuments, 296–297
landscape photography, 296–297
Christie’s, 96, 97
Chromatic photographs, textiles, 1155–1156
Chromatypes, 1157
Chromium, 858
Chromographoscopes, color therapy, 319
Chromolithography, Bedford, Francis, 134,
Chromoscope, 762
Chromotypes, Hungary, 728
Chronophotography, 297–299, 941–944, 1257
Anschütz, Ottomar, 46–48
bromide chemistry, 297
Bull, Lucien Georges, 229
distinguished, 297
Eakins, Thomas Cowperthwaite, 299
gelatine dry-plate negatives, 297
Londe, Albert, 869–870
Marey, Étienne-Jules, 890–892
photographers associated with, 297–299
technological developments, 297
Chrysotypes, 655, 1156
Chuma, James, 1217, 1217
Church photography, Gutch, John Wheeley
Gough, 628
Chute, Charles Wallace, 299
Chute and Brooks, 299
Ciceri, Pierre-Luc, 363
Cifka, Wenceslau, Portugal, 299–300
pioneer of Portuguese photography, 299
Cigarette card, 272
Cinematographs, 877
devices that preceded, 876
Ducos du Hauron, André Louis, 449
patents, 449
Curtis, Edward Sheriff, 355, 356–357
Dickson, William Kennedy-Laurie, 417
invention of, 558
City scenes
microphotography, 924–925
Migurski, Karol Josef, 929
night photography, 1008
Olie, Jacob, 1023–1024
Russian Empire, 1230
Zille, Heinrich, 1522
Zille, Heinrich, everyday life photography,
Civiale, Aime
Alps, 300
geologist, 300
Civil War, 820, 1309, 1427, 1468–1469
accelerating spread of photography, 1427
Barnard, George N., 114, 114, 115
Bell, William, 142
Brady, Mathew B., 198–199, 200, 690, 855,
Cook, George S., 1468
documentary photography, 426, 427
Gardner, Alexander, 570–572, 690, 1469
Haas, Philip, 631
military observation, 14
O’Sullivan, Timothy Henry, 690, 1017,
Russell, Andrew Joseph, 1226
unique photographic documentation,
war photography, 1017, 1427–1428
Claine, Guillaume, 300–302
Belgium, 300–302
fi rst state commission granted, 301–302
Interior Ministry commission of 1851,
biography, 301–302
landscape photography, 300, 301
Clark, D.R., 805
Claudet, Antoine François Jean, 302–304, 538,
716, 936, 941, 1100, 1253, 1339–1340,
1364, 1452
biography, 304
daguerreotypes, 302–304
exposure times, 302
glass, 302–304
hand coloring, 322–324
Illustrated London News, 736
inventor, 302–304
photography studios, 302, 303
Royal Photographic Society, 1218–1219
stereoscopes, 303
Claudet, Francis George, 304–305
Claudet and Houghton, 302–304, 716
Clausen, George, 484
Barbizon artists using, 306
Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille, 340
Cuvelier, Adalbert-Auguste, 358
Cuvelier, Eugène-Adalbert, 358
Dutilleux, Constant, 305, 305–306, 457
hybrid of printmaking and photography,
process, 305–306
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 675
Clifford, Charles, 307–308, 829, 1325–1326
portraits, 307–308
royal photography, 307–308
Spain, 307
Queen Isabella’s canal and aquaduct, 307
Cloud photography, 960, 1270–1271
combination prints, 1271
landscape photography, 818
Le Gray, Gustave, 1271
photomontage, 1271
Silvy, Camille-Léon-Louis, 1267
Coburn, Alvin Langdon, 308
Codex Alexandrinus, 216
Cogniet, Leon, 811
Cold development paper, platinotype papers,
1135, 1137
Cole, Sir Henry, 308, 1312–1313, 1385
organized Great Exhibition of 1851, 308
South Kensington Museum, founding
Director, 308
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 672, 673
Collages, 953, 1123–1124
Collapsible dark tent, 760
Collard, Auguste-Hippolyte, 308–309
art reproductions, 308
civil engineering photography, 308–309
portraits, 308
Collen, Henry, 312–313
calotypes, fi rst professional calotypist, 312
Collie, William, 313
Channel Isles, 313
genre portraits, 313
Collodio-albumen process, 440
Taupenot, Jean Marie, 1380
Collodio-chloride papers, 1175
Collodion, 57, 1378, 1379
astronomical photography, 89
Bertsch, Auguste Nicolas, 152
Bingham, Robert Jefferson, 157
Calotype Club, 684
camera design, 685
Carjat, Etienne, 273, 274
complexity, 684
Cutting, James Ambrose, 357
de Breébisson, Alphonse, 392–393
discovery, 55–56
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge, 429
large output, 429
domestic photography, 432
Dubois de Nehaut, Chevalier Louis-Pierre-
Theophile, 443
Hering, Henry & Co., 652
Hilditch, George, 657
oxymel process, 867
Percy, John, 1059
Richebourg, Pierre Ambroise, 1194
training, 473–474
Collodion emulsions
advantages, 487
applications, 487
disadvantages, 487
Collodion ferrotypy, 1390–1391
patents, 1391
Collodion on glass, cases, 952
Collodion on glass, Le Gray, Gustave, 835
Collodion wet plate
Bayard, Hippolyte, 124
combination printing, 960
Ueno Hikoma, Japan’s fi rst manual, 1415
Collotypes, 10, 191, 313–314, 697, 844,
collotype plants, 314
commercialized, 313
dichromated colloid process, 313–314
displaced Woodburytype, 314
fi rst rotary collotype, 314
Poitevin, Alphonse Louis, 1140
process, 583
Ruskin, John, 191
screenless matrix, 314
Colls, Lebbeus, 315
Colls, Richard, 315
Colnaghi, Dominic, 315
Colnaghi, Paul, 315
Colnaghi, P&D, 96, 236, 237, 315, 1094
Crimean War, 315
Fenton, Roger, 315
partnership with Agnew, 315
Colombia, Rodríguez, Melitón, 1204–1205
Colonial photography
anthropology, links, 51
Great Britain, 610–611
images, 19
Color halftone, 632–633
Coloring, retouching, 1189
Color photography, 2, 131–132, 168, 687, 704,
706, 1098, 1107
additive and subtractive processes
Ducos du Hauron, André Louis, 449
patents, 449
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm, 229
Cros, Charles Emile Hortensius, 351
Ducos du Hauron, André Louis, 448–449,
Eastman, George, 464, 465