
(Wang) #1

I 24


Franco-Prussian War, 695, 1470
Disdéri, André-Adolphe-Eugène, 419
Marconi, Gaudenzio, 889
microphotographs, 696
Fratelli Alinari, see Alinari, Fratelli
Fratelli D’Alessandri, see D’Alessandri,
Frauds, 552–553, 553
Fredericks, Charles Deforest, 71, 554
photographic studios, 554
South America, 554
Fredrickson, Charles A., patents, 342
Freeman, Orrin Erastus, 293, 554, 770
China, 554
Japan, 554
French Academy of Science, daguerreotypes,
French Revolution, 670
Fresnel, Augustin Jean, 555–556
experiments with light, 555
French scientist, 555–556
inventor, 555–556
Fresson, Théodore-Henri, 556, 557
carbon paper Charbon-Satin, 556
inventor, 556
Fresson family, 556
Fresson process, 270, 556–557
Freud, Sigmund, nude studies, 1013, 1014,
Friedrich Bruckmann Publishers, see
Bruckmann Verlag, Friedrich
Friese-Greene, William, 557–558, 942
inventor, 558
of kinematography, 558
Frith, Francis, 425, 528, 560–562, 561, 691–
692, 1364, 1396, 1405
archaeological photography, 559
Egypt, 558–559, 560–561
grocery business, 558
Near East, 558–562
Orientalism, 1031
Palestine, 559
photographic keepsakes, 559
popularization of travel photography, 558
postcards, 559
pre-eminent travel photographers, 558
Rosling, Alfred, 1209
towns and countryside of Britain and
Europe, 559
wet plate collodion process, 558
Frith, Francis & Co., 558–560, 561–562
archives, 558, 560
catalogue, 560
factory-scale printing of glass plate
negatives, 561–562
photographers of, 559–560
postcards, 559, 560
Frith, W.P., 717
Fritshe, U., 853
fi rst Russian researcher using Talbot’s
technology, 853
Russia, 853
Frizshe, Julian, 1227–1228
Frizshe, Julius Fedorovich, 562
chemist and biologist, 562
fi rst scientifi c work on photography in
Russia, 562
Frond, Victor, 562–563
Brazil, 562–563
Fry, Clarence Edmund, 479–480
Fry, Peter Wickens, 563
Photographic Society of London, founder
member, 563
Talbot v. Henderson, 563

Fry, Samuel, 563
published papers, 563
Fry, William Ellerton, 563–564
Africa, 563–564
Fuenzalida, José Dolores, 291
Fulhame, Elizabeth, 668, 1503–1504
English chemist, 564
F.W. Baker & Co., see Baker, F.W. & Co.
Fyfee, Andrew, 564
photogenic drawing, 564
teacher of chemistry, 564
G. Legekian & Co., see Legekian, G. & Co.
Gaensly, Wilhelm (Guilherme), 565–567, 566
biography, 566–567
Brazil, 565–567, 566
Galdi, Vicenzo, 1139
Gale, Colonel Joseph
The Brotherhood of the Linked Ring, 567
landscape photography, changing way of
rural life, 567
Galerie Contemporaine, 567–568
celebrity photography, 567–568
characterized, 568
quality of photographic imagery, 567
scope, 567
Galerie des Contemporains (Disdéri, André-
Adolphe-Eugène), 190
Gallic acid, 239–240, 240
Galton, Sir Francis, 345, 427, 568–569, 1143
Africa, 568
biography, 569
eugenics, 568–569
composite portraits, 569
system of indexing portraits, 569
evolution, 568–569
heredity, 568–569
polymath, 568
Galvanic process, Becquerel, Alexandre
Edmond, 132
Gamble, William, 1058–1059
García, Juan Comba, 1326
Gardner, Alexander, 144, 197, 198, 199, 570–
572, 571, 1017
biography, 571–572
Brady, Mathew B., 570
Civil War, 570–572, 690, 1469
construction photography, 570–572
establishing Owenite utopian community,
570, 571
exhibitions, 570
expedition photography, 570–572
Lincoln, Abraham, 570, 571, 571
philanthropic causes, 571, 572
Gardner, Andrew, 115
Garella, Napoleon, 1048–1049
Garreaud, Pedro Emilio, 291
Gas mantle, 84
Gaumont, Léon Ernest, 572–573
biography, 573
motion pictures
cameras and projectors, 572
manufacturers of motion picture
machines and fi lms, 572–573
Gautheir-Villars, publisher, 184
Gay culture, 1139
Gedenblätter an Goethe (Kessler, Johann), 187
albumen, compared, 573
Maddox, Richard Leach, 884–885
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 1080
Gelatine bromide
astronomical photography, 90

industrialization of photography, 1072
night photography, 1007
photomicrography, 1120
Gelatine bromide dry plates, 1254
Swan, Joseph Wilson, 1367
Gelatine bromide emulsions
Orientalism, 1030
washing-out process, 438
Gelatine bromide paper, 218
Swan, Joseph Wilson, 906
Gelatine bromide plates, 693–694, 696–697
Gelatine citrochloride emulsion, 2
Gelatine dry plates, 254, 696–697, 698,
chronophotography, 297
consequences, 438–439
exposure, 516
exposure meters, 439
exposure tables, 439
exposure times, 438
Hollyer, Frederick, 711
instantaneous photography, 748
itinerant photography, 759
lack of standardization, 439
manufacturers, 213
refi nements, 438
sensitometer, 439
Gelatine dry process, 1391–1392
Gelatine emulsions, 486, 487
intensifying, 749
ripening, 487
special ingredients, 487
washings, 487
Gelatine silver bromide, 698
Gelatine silver bromide emulsion, Wratten,
Frederick Charles, 1514
Gelatine silver bromide paper, 1052–1053
Gelatine silver chloride positive paper, 1053
Gelatine silver halide emulsions, 3
Gelatine silver prints, 573–575, 574
card photographs, 272
deterioration, 575
developing-out formula, 573–574
photosensitivity, 573
printing-out formula, 573–574
silver bromide, 573
Gems, see Ferrotypes
Genre painting, 575, 576
Genre photography, 575–577, 576
aesthetic debates, 575
allegorical photography, distinguished, 28
art photography, 576
calotypes, 575–576
high vs. low genre, 575
Italy, 756
Karelin, Andrey Osipovich
idyllic family life, 787–789, 788
laws of academic painting, 787, 789
Moulin, Félix-Jacques-Antoine, 945, 946
Nègre, Charles, 982, 983, 985
posed, 575, 576
Price, William Lake, 1171
Rejlander, Oscar Gustav, 576, 1188
Robinson, Henry Peach, 576
Saunders, William Thomas, 1244
Silvester, Alfred, 1266–1267
subject matter, 575
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 575
Genthe, Arnold, 577
celebrity photography, 577
portraits, 577
San Francisco, California, 577
1906 earthquake, 577
Geoffray, Stéphane, 577
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