I 25
architectural photography, 578–579
biography, 578
cerolein process, 577, 578
historic monuments, 578–579
technical articles, 577
Geology, 579–581, 580, 673
George Houghton and Son, leading
general photographic retailers and
manufacturers, 716
George Knight & Sons, see Knight, George
& Sons
German Idealist philosophy, 672
Germany, 581–585
amateur photographers, 582, 585
social distinction, 585
art photography, 585
calotypes, 581, 582
copyright, 1296
daguerreotypes, 581–582
developments of photographic science,
early photography, 1296
exhibitions, 583, 584–585, 1297
fi rst announcements of photography, 581
industrial concentration, 582
institutions, 1296–1297
Krupp photographic and lithographic
institute, 584
Lichtwark, Alfred, fi rst German show, 856
military photography, 583–584
optics and chemistry of photography, 582
photographic societies, 1296
photographic unions, 1422–1423
political landscape, 581, 582
political propaganda, 583–584
portraits, 582
professional groups and societies, 583
tourism, 582–583
Gernsheim, Alison, 586–588
exhibitions, 586–587
publications, 586–588
Gernsheim, Helmut Erich Robert, 586–588
biography, 587–588
exhibitions, 586–587
photography collections, 586–588
publications, 586–588
Getty Museum, 96–97
Ghémar, Louis, 588–589
Belgian lithographer and painter, 588–589
biography, 590
caricaturists, 588–589
portraits, 589
retouching, 589
Ghait, Louise le, woman photographer, 1289
Ghost photography, 1332–1334, 1333
Gibran, Kahlil, 391
Gibson, James F., 198, 199
Gide & Baudry, 168
Gilbert, W.S., 725
Gillen, Frank, 1329
Gilpin, William, 324–325
Giraudon, Adolphe, 65
Giroux, Alphonse, 254
earliest cameras, 244
fi rst manufacturer of daguerreotype
equipment, 676
Giroux, André, 590–592
architectural photography, 591
Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé, franchise
agreement, 591
French painter, 590–592
landscape photography, 591
Giroux et Cie, Alphonse, daguerreotype outfi ts,
Glaisher, Cecilia Louisa, 593, 594
Glaisher, James
astronomical photography, 592–594
balloon photography, 593–594
biography, 594
British Meteorological Society, 593
English meteorologist and aerial physicist,
Photographic Society, London, 593–594
Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 592–594,
Glaister, Thomas Skelton, 594–595
Glass, Claudet, Antoine François Jean,
Glass diapositives
Langenheim, Friedrich, 825
Langenheim, Wilhelm, 825
Glass plate negatives, honey process, 878
Globe lens, patents, 634
Globe Photographic Studio, 112
Goddard, John Frederick, 595–596, 719, 1253
biography, 595–596
bromide, 595, 596
exposure times, 595
patents, 595, 596
popular scientifi c lecturer, 595–596
Goddard, Paul Beck, 339
bromide, 596
daguerreotypes, 596
Goerz, Carl Paul, 596–598
camera manufacturing, 596–598
exposure meters, 597
lenses, 596–597
shutters, 597
Gold, 1156
Gold chloride
fi xing, 534
Fizeau, Louis Armand Hippolyte, 535
toning, 1394–1395
Gold chromatypes, 1157
Goldensky, Elias, 598
Gold toning
fading, 1061
salted paper print, 1238
Gonnet, Esteban, 598
Argentina, 598
survey photography, 598
Good, Frank Mason, 598–599
Goodall, Thomas Frederick, 483
Goodman, George Baron, 97–98
Goodwin, Hannibal, 599, 1207
inventor, photographic fi lm, 599
Gouin, Alexis-Louis-Charles-Arthur, 201,
biography, 600
daguerreotypes, 599–600
machine polishing daguerreotype plates,
599, 600
photometer, 599, 600
nude studies, 599–600
Gouin, Laure, 201
Goupil, Adolphe, 549, 601
Goupil & Cie, 601, 601–603
albumen prints, 603
appropriating tradition of printmaking, 602
art gallery, 601
Asnières plant, 602–603
catalogues, 602
fi ne-art photographic reproductions, 602
in-house photographic studio, 602–603
international network of art dealers and
publishers, 601
multinational empire, 601
photogravures, 603
photomechanical processes, 603
printing facilities, 601
publications, 601–602
subjects, 602
typogravures, 603
vertically integrated business, 601
Woodburytypes, 603
Goupil-Fesquet, Frédéric, 1030
Egypt, 476
Goupilgravures, see Photogravures
Gouraud, François, 938–939
Government printers, 604
Austria, 604
Great Britain, 604
G.R. Lambert & Co., see Lambert, G.R. & Co.
Graf, Heinrich, 604–605
Graff, Philipp, 605, 1021
Graff Studio, 22
Graham, James, 605–606
calotypes, 605–606
itinerant photographers, 605–606
Jerusalem, fi rst resident photographer, 605
as lay missionary, 605, 606
and pre-Raphaelite painters, 606
Graham, Percival, 797
Grain, 80
Grandguillaume, Léandre, 306
Grand Parlor Stereoscope, 1321, 1322
Grand Tour, 59, 1397–1398
calotypes, 821–822
daguerreotypes, 821–822
landscape photography, 821–822
Normand, Alfred-Nicolas, 1009
retail outlets for photography, 1093–1094
Wood, John Muir, 1508
Graphoscopes, 1451
Gravure, see also Photogravures
Gravure printing
art reproductions, 204
Braun, Adolphe, 204
Grease-spot photometer, Bunsen, Robert
Wilhelm, 229
Great Boston Fire of 1872, Black, James
Wallace, 165
Great Britain, 606–613
aesthetics of photography, 610
amateur photographers, 608, 1303, 1304
art photography, 220, 610, 612
The Brotherhood of the Linked Ring, 612,
carte-de-visite, 609
celebrity photography, 609–610
photographic piracy, 610
Collie, William, 313
colonial photography, 610–611
copyright, 67, 337–338, 479
Fine Arts Copyright Act, 337
Corps of Royal Engineers, 1216
daguerreotypes, 607
licensing, 607
development of professional photography,
610, 1303
dry plates, 611
embedded in social institutions, 611
Emerson, Peter Henry, 483
English monarchy, 112
English Picturesque tradition, Ross,
Horatio, 1211
exhibitions, 547, 615, 1303, 1305, 1498–
Frith, Francis, 425, 528, 560–562, 561,
691–692, 1364, 1396, 1405