I 34
Le Gray, Gustave (continued)
waxed paper process, 833–834, 1480–1482
wet collodion process, 833, 834
Lehnert, Rudolph, Orientalism, 1032
Leica cameras, 843
Ur-Leica, 843
Leitz, Ernst, 841–843
mass production of precision parts, 841
Leitz, Ludwig, lenses, 842
Leitz lenses, 842
Leitz microscopes, 841–842
Lemercier, Rose-Joseph, 843
photolithography, 864
to illustrate scientifi c and artistic books,
Poitevin, Alphonse Louis, 844
Lemere, Bedford, 845–846
Lemere, Harry Bedford, 845
architectural photography, 845–846
maritime photography, 846
1830s–1850s, 847–848
1860s–1880s, 848–849
1890s–1900s, 849–850
plano-convex lens, 847
positive meniscus lens, 847
anastigmats, 849
Archer, Frederick Scott, 57
Boldyrjev, Ivan Vasiljevich, 171
technical potentialities, 171
camera obscura, 253
Chevalier, Charles Louis, 289, 847
costs, 467
daguerreotypes, 368
Dallmeyer, J.H. Limited, 376
Dallmeyer, John Henry, 376, 377
Dallmeyer, Thomas Ross, 376
Dancer, John Benjamin, 380
Darlot, Alphonse, 384
Davidson, Thomas, 387
equipment, 847–848
evolution of lens technologies, 78–79
focusing, 539
full aperture, 847
Goerz, Carl Paul, 596–597
Harrison, Charles C., innovations, 634
inferior achromatic, plano-convex lens, 289
interchangeable, 243–244
landscape photography, 847
Leitz, Ludwig, 842
lens maker’s formula, 1027
light, 88
Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore, 1004, 1005
Petzval, Josef Maximilian, design, 1067–
Petzval’s, 847
Ponti, Carlo, 1144–1146
portraits, 847
rapid rectilinear lens, 848–849
Ross, Alfred, 1209
photographic lens manufacturers,
Ross, Thomas, 1209
Steinheil, Rudolph, dynasty of lens makers,
technical, 847–848
triplet lens, 849–850
variable power telephoto lens, 850
von Voigtländer, Baron Peter Wilhelm
Friedrich, 1067–1068, 1462–1463
widen angle of view, 848
Zeiss, 849–850
Lenticular stereoscopes, 1452
Leo XIII (Pope), 74
Le Plongeon, Alice, woman photographer,
Leporellos, American cities, 62
Le Premier Livre Imprimé par le Soleil
(Ibbotson, L.L. Boscawen), 187
Le Prince, Louis Aimé Augustin, 836–837
biography, 837
inventor, 836–837
motion pictures, 836–837
patents, 836–837
photography on metal and pottery, 836
Leptographic paper, 829–830, 1175
Lerebours, Noël, 843
Le Secq, Henri (Jean-Louis Henri Le Secq
des Tournelles), 832, 837–839, 838,
843–844, 933–935
biography, 839
calotypes, 838, 839
exhibitions, 839
historic monuments, 838–839
Paris, 837–839
Société héliographique, 838
waxed paper negative process, 838, 839
Leucotypes, 1155
Leuzinger, Georg, 852–853
Brazil, 852–853
Swiss photographer, printer, and engraver,
Levitsky, Sergey Lvovich, 853, 853–855
biography, 854–855
lighting, 854
met leading daguerreotypists, 853
Napoleon III, 854
Paris studio, 853, 854
psychological photo-portraits, 853,
Russian Emperor Technical Society
(RETS), 854
St. Petersburg studio, 853, 854
studied photography in Paris, 853
Levy, Julien, 96
Liébert, Alphonse Justin, 856–857
carbon printing, 857
Paris Commune, 857
The Library of Congress (United States), 309,
America’s oldest cultural and research
institution, 855
copyright, 855
founded, 855
motion pictures, 856
photography collections, 855–856
Prints and Photographs Division, 855–856
Smithsonian collection, 855
special services, 855
Libya, 19
Lichtwark, Alfred, 856
Germany, fi rst German show, 856
Lifshey, Samuel H., 791
Lighting (of photography), 83–84, 698, 700,
1106–1107, see also Specifi c type
Barnett, Walter H., 116
Bolas, Thomas, 170
Cameron, Julia Margaret, 259
Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé, 365
Degas, Edgar, 399–400
Dodgson, Charles, 429
fi rst fl ash bulb, 1416
itinerant photographers, artifi cial lighting,
Keith, Thomas, 792–793
Kerry, Charles, 796
Levitsky, Sergey Lvovich, 854
Londe, Albert, 870
Nadar, 971–972, 973
night photography, 1007–1008
patents, 303, 304
photographic studios, 1355–1357
artifi cial, 1357
electric light, 1357
fl ash, 1357
Slingsby, Robert, 1272
sources in photographic studios, 83
techniques, 6
underwater photography, 1416–1417
war photography, 1467
Light (natural phenomenon), 671, see also
corpuscular theory, 669
Draper, John William, 437–438
Driffi eld, Vero Charles, 732–733
electromagnetic wave theory, 318
Faraday, Michael, 521
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm, 633
Herschel, Sir John Frederick William, 653–655
fi rst to use photography in studying,
lifelong interest in properties, 653
nature of polarized light, 654
Hunt, Robert, 731
Hurter, Ferdinand, 732–733
lenses, 88
Lippmann, Gabriel Jonas, 862
Maxwell, James Clerk, 907
nature, 521, 1027
Niépce de Saint-Victor, Claude Félix Abel,
philosophical instruments, 1070
photomicrography, 1121–1122
polarization, 555
retouching, 1190–1191
Schultze, Johann Heinrich, 1251
silver salts, 669
Story Maskelyne, Nevil, 1352–1353
theories, 158
decisive arguments against Newton’s
particle theory of light, 1520
of diffraction, 555
wave theory, 555–556, 669
Young, Thomas, 1520
Light sensitivity
ammonia, 533
materials, Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore, 1004
Lille, France, Le Blondel, Alphonse, 830, 831,
Limelight, 83, 84, 1177
Limelight Gallery, 96
Lincoln, Abraham, 689
assassination, 345
Gardner, Alexander, 570, 571, 571
Gurney, Jeremiah, 627
Hesler, Alexander, 656
Lindahl, Axel, 1009–1010
Lindemann, Rudolf, 565, 566–567
Lindsay, Sir Coutts, 859
founder of Grosvenor Gallery, 859
salted paper prints, 859
Linear perspective, 1061
camera lucida, 1063
distortion, 1063
Line photolithographs, 1117
Lion, Jules, 861–862
daguerreotypes, earliest known African
American daguerreian artist, 861–862
Lippmann, Gabriel Jonas, 647, 862–863
biography, 863
color photography, inventor of, 862–863