
(Wang) #1

I 43


Percy, John, 1059
collodion process, 1059
inventor, 1059
extracting silver from photographic paper
waste, 1059
Perier, Charles-Fortunat-Paul-Casimir, 1059
amateur photographers, 1059
photography as art, 1059
Société française de photographie, founding
member, 1059
Perini, Antonio, 1059–1060
Venice, 1059–1060
Permanency, 1060–1061
Perry, Matthew, mission to open Japan to West,
Perspective, 1061–1063
converging verticals, 1063
true or natural, 1063
Peru, 1063–1065
fi rst known native-born photographer, 1064
fi rst photography studio, 1063–1064
in provinces, 1064
Villalba, Ricardo, 1455
Perutz, Otto, 1065–1066
German fi lm and plate company, 1065–1066
Petit, Pierre, 1066–1067
documented Exposition Universelle in
Paris, 1066
photographic studios, 1066
portraits, 1066
“Gallery of portraits of men of the
moment,” 1066
Petzval, Josef Maximilian, 1067–1068
biography, 1068
father of photographic optics, 1067
lenses, design, 1067–1068
von Voigtländer, Baron Peter Wilhelm
Friedrich, 1067–1068
Petzval Condition, 1069
Petzval portrait lens, 289–290, 678
Phantascope, 944
Phantasmagoria, 1176
Phasmatrope, 941
Phenakistiscopes, 876, 940
Plateau, Joseph Antoine Ferdinand,
Philadelphia Photographer, 184, 1068–1069
general readership, 1068
independent and infl uential photography
journal, 1068
technological and chemical reporting,
early photography, 1315–1316
ethnographic photography, 1315
Philosophical instruments, 1069–1070
light, 1070
never clearly defi ned, 1069
optical study, 1070
range of qualities, 1069
science, basic principles, 1069
scientifi c learning, 1069
for demonstration and teaching purposes,
Philosophical Magazine, 1070–1071
goals, 1070
growth, 1070–1071
scientifi c periodical, 1070–1071
Philosophical Transactions, 1071–1072
pre-eminent scientifi c journal of English-
speaking world, 1072
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society of London, see Philosophical

Philosophy, 672
Philpot, John Brampton, 1072
calotypes, 1072
Florence, 1072
Phipson process, 1156
Phonoscope, 409, 410
Phosphorescence, Becquerel, Alexandre
Edmond, 132
Photo-aquatints, 1157
Photo-Binocular cameras, 253
Photoceramic process, 1155
Photochemical sensitization process
Natterer, Johann, 979
Natterer, Joseph, 979
Photochemistry, Draper, John William,
Photochromic behavior, Faraday, Michael, 521
Photochromie, 1448–1449
Cros, Charles Emile Hortensius, 351
Ducos du Hauron, André Louis, 449
patents, 449
Photochroms, 865, 1032, 1078–1079
process, 1074–1075, 1079
color photographs, 1074
French process, 1075
lithographic in nature, 1074
Swiss process, 1074–1075
U.S. rights, 1074
Photo-Club de Paris, 1072–1073, 1281
Puyo, Émile Joachim Constant, 1179
amateur photographers, 1072–1073
Bucquet, Maurice, 1072–1073
photography recognized as art, 1072
exhibitions, 1073
pictorialism, 1073
publication, 1073
Photoengraving, Talbot, William Henry Fox,
Photo-Era, 185–186
Photo-fi ligrane, 1511
Photo fi nishing, Eastman, George, 463–464
Photogalvanography, 646, 1075–1076
Photographic Society of London, 1075
Photogenic drawing negatives, 1076–1078
characterized, 1077–1078
defi ned, 1077
Photogenic drawing paper, 1076–1078
improvements, 1238–1239
Photogenic drawings, 93–94, 239, 1076–1077,
daguerreotypes, differences between, 677
Enslen, Johann Carl, 492, 493
exposure, 515–516
Fyfee, Andrew, 564
improvements, 677
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 607, 675
producing multiples, 675
Photogenic engraving, 675
Photogenic focus, 538
Photogenic Manipulation (Bingham, Robert
J.), 179
Photogenic Manipulation (Fisher, George
Thomas), 532
Photoglob Zurich/Orel Füssli & Co., 1078–1079
Photoglyphic engraving, 607, 1080–1081
process, 800
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 1080, 1378
Photoglypty, 844
Photogoniometer, 1082
Photogram, 186
supplement on process work, 186
Photogrammetry, 13–14, 515, 1076–1077,
1081–1082, 1352

architectural photography, 1081
camera lucida, 1081
defi ned, 1081
Deville, Édouard, 415
mapping, 1081
Porro-Koppe design principle, 1082
projective geometry, 1081
Photograms of the Year, 186, 1082–1083
art photography, 1082–1083
photographic societies, 1083
pictorialism, 1082–1083
reviwed exhibitions in England and U.S.,
writers, 1082
Photographe à verres combinés, 289–290
Photographers, see also Specifi c name
advertising for, 8–9
market, 468–469
portrait studios, 11
publications reviewing, 8
publicity, 8–9
royal patronage, 8
second jobs, 1101
Photographers’ Association of America, 1309,
Ryder, James Fitzallen, founding member,
Photographers’ Protective Union, 1309
Photographia Gaensly, 565
The Photographic Album, 188
Photographically illustrated books, Reeve,
Lovell Augustus, 1184
The Photographic Amateur, 184
Photographic Amusements (Woodbury, Walter
Bentley), 186
The Photographic and Fine Arts Journal,
Photographic Art Institute of Vienna, 39–40
The Photographic Art Journal, Snelling, Henry
Hunt, writer and editor, 1279
Photographic Association of South Australia,
Photographic Club, 32, 1303
Fenton, Roger, 525–526
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 526
Photographic collages, Gutch, John Wheeley
Gough, 628
Photographic Exchange Club, 608–609, 1084–
1085, 1303–1304
Mansell, Thomas Lukis, founding member,
photographic exchanges, 1084–1085
Photographic exchanges, 1090
Photographic Exchange Club, 1084–1085
Photographic Society Club, London,
Photographic Facsimiles of the Epistles of
St. Clement of Rome, made from the
unique copy preserved in the Codex
Alexandrinus, 188
Photographic history
1826-1839, 674–676
fi rst photography, 674–676
photography’s inventor, 675
photomechanical printing, 675–676
triumph of daguerreotype, 676
1840s, 677–681
art debate, 680
economic depression in Europe and
America, 680
impact of photography, 677
patents, 680
photographic societies, 680
technical development, 680
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