I 47
Nègre, Charles, 984, 985
Sun Artists Journal, 1358–1359
ultimate facsimile process for etchings, 1112
Photohéliographe, 89
Photoheliograph, de la Rue, Warren, 395
Photohistorians, 1114–1116
Arago, François, 1114
Blanquart-Évrard, Louis-Désiré, 167
background in chemistry, 167
changing perceptions of 19th century
photography, 1116
chemists and physicists, 1115
cultural or philosophical interpretations of
photography, 1116
fi rst, 1114
manuals, 1115
photography as invention, 1114
popular science, 1115
prehistory of photography, 1115
priority claims and vindications, 1114
professional and promotional histories,
Root, Marcus Aurelius, 1208–1209
scientifi c histories of photography, 1115
Taft, Robert, 1375–1376
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 1114
technical, 1115
Beals, Jessie Tarbox, 125–126
Chile, 291–292
Riis, Jacob August, social and political
change, 1196–1197
Photolithographic polychrome prints, see
Photolithography, 10, 191, 1098, 1117–1118
Asser, Eduard Isaac, 87
defi ned, 1117
facsimile reproduction of important
historical manuscripts, 865
fi rst, 1117
fi rst practical process, 313
labels, 1117
Lemercier, Rose-Joseph, 864
to illustrate scientifi c and artistic books,
MacPherson, Robert, 882–883
Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore, 864
Poitevin, Alphonse Louis, 844, 864–865,
reproduction of architectural line drawing,
variety of forms, 1117
Photolithophane, 1511
Photo-manipulation, 624–626
Photomechanical printing, 270
Argentina, 72
Hentschel, Carl, 651
lithography, 864
processes, 1118–1119
process photogram, 1176
Photometers, Pou Y Camps, Juan Maria,
Photometric photography, 298
Photomicrography, 253, 1099, 1120–1122
apparatus, 1121–1122
Army Medical Museum, 1120–1121
Bentley, Wilson Alwyn, 149
Bertsch, Auguste Nicolas, 152–153
daguerreotypes, 1120
European techniques, 1122
Evans, Frederick Henry, 504
gelatino-bromide process, 1120
Hentschel, Carl, 651
improvements, 1122
Koch, Robert, 802
light, 1121–1122
microphotography, differences, 926, 1120
Monpillard, Fernand, 936
Pringle, Andrew, 1172
processes, 1120
as recreation, 1121
uses, 1121
wet collodion process, 1120
Photomontage, 1123–1124
cloud photography, 1271
political, 553
sky photography, 1271
Photo-phenakistiscopes, 941
Photo-Pictorialists of America, 1127
Photo-Revolver de Poche, 253
Photosculptures, 303, 1090
Willème, François, 1497
World Fairs, 1497
Photo-Secession, 76, 391, 638, 1127, 1430
Annan, James Craig, 43
Barnett, Walter H., 116
Brigman, Anne W., 213
founder member, 1506
The Brotherhood of the Linked Ring, 220,
Caffi n, Charles Henry, 236, 237
Demachy, (Leon) Robert, 408
Eugene, Frank, 503
Käsebier, Gertrude, 790, 791
Sears, Sarah Choate, 1260
Steichen, Edward, 1337
Stieglitz, Alfred, 704, 1342, 1343
White, Clarence Hudson, founding
member, 1495
Photosensitivity, gelatine silver print, 573
Photo-stencil process, Autotype Fine Art
Company, 103–104
Phototheodolite, 1081
Photo topography, fi rst, 13
Phototypes, see Collotypes
Phototypie, see Collotypes
Phototypy, see Collotypes
Photovoltaic effort, Becquerel, Alexandre
Edmond, 132
Photoxylography, 1119
Photozincography, 190, 768, 865, 1119
Physautotypes, 1005
process, 1161
Physical chemists, Crookes, Sir William,
Physical development
developing solution, 412
photographic processes utilizing, 412
reagents, 412
silver nitrate, 412
Becquerel, Alexandre Edmond, 131–132
Farmer, Ernest Howard, 524
Physiognomy, 55
Physiology, Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig
Ferdinand von, 647
Physionotrace, 670
Phytotypes, 1161
Pickard, Edgar, 1389
Pictorial arts, photography, difference between,
Pictorial Effects in Photography, Being Hints
on Composition and Chiaroscuro for
Photographers (Robinson, Henry
Peach), 180–181
Pictorialism, 76, 81, 347, 700–701, 702, 704,
739, 899, 1126–1130, 1127, 1306
aestheticism, 1128
aesthetics outdated, 1130
art photography, historical importance,
ignominious end, 1127
Belgium, 140
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 155
Brigman, Anne W., 213
The Brotherhood of the Linked Ring, 76,
220, 221
combination printing, 1130
criticism of, 625–626
Demachy, (Leon) Robert, 408
differential focusing, 1129
drawing-room values, 1130
Emerson, Peter Henry, 1126, 1130
in England, 1127–1129
Eugene, Frank, 503
in Europe, 1129
exclusivity, 1128
exhibitions, 1129
France, 550
Great Britain, 612
gum prints, 624–625
handwork methods, 1129–1130
Hinton, Alfred Horsley, 664
Hofmeister, Oskar, 709
Hofmeister, Theodor, 709
impressionism, 1128
Italy, 757
Japonisme, 1128
Kühn, Heinrich, 808
Käsebier, Gertrude, 790, 791
Keighley, Alexander, 792
Keller, Ulrich, 1128–1129
landscape photography, 824
London Salon, 222
Marissiaux, Gustave, 894, 895
Matthies-Masuren, Fritz, 904
Misonne, Lénard, 933
naturalism, 1128
Netherlands, 989–990
Photo-Club de Paris, 1073
Photograms of the Year, 1082–1083
photography, clamour for prestige,
problem of terms, 1126
pure photography, 1130
Puyo, Émile Joachim Constant, 1179
retouching, 1129–1130
Rey, Guido, 1193
Robinson, Henry Peach, 1126, 1130
Robinson, Ralph Winwood, 1204
romantic-expressive, 1126–1127
Russian Empire, 1232
Sears, Sarah Choate, 1260
since late 1970s, 1127
slice of life scenes, 576
social class, 1129
Steichen, Edward, 1337
styles, 220
Sweden, 1368
symbolism, 1128
truth to nature, 1129
United States, 1430
upper class, 1129
Watzek, Hans, 1480
White, Clarence Hudson, 1495
woman photographer, 1506
wrangled about methods and styles, 1129
Great Britain, 609
Gutch, John Wheeley Gough, 627
Pierson, Pierre Louis, 909–910