
(Wang) #1


The Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography
is a unique publication, one that is an essential reference
work for anyone interested in the medium of photogra-
phy. This text is the result of diligent primary research
by many of the world’s leading researchers and writers
on the subject. Their scholarship has revealed many long
established ‘facts’ to be fi ctions, established the role of
many hitherto unrecorded fi gures, measured the achieve-
ments of many of the leading practitioners against con-
temporary critical appraisal of their work, and placed the
history of photography’s fi rst century within a social and
economic context. What these researches have produced
is a reference work of signifi cant scholarship that in ad-
dition to standing as a critical work of reference, offers
many highly perceptive essays that signifi cantly develop
current critical debate on the role, the nature, and the
merits of nineteenth century photography.
We have devoted considerable space to key fi gures
like Daguerre, Talbot, Fenton, Herschel, Brady and
others to place their achievements in context. Similarly,
major inventors, manufacturers, organisations, and sup-
porters of the medium have been examined in extended
essays. In its totality the encyclopedia contains1197
entries: 610 major entries of 1000 to 5000 words, and
an additional 587 shorter entries on minor and emerg-
ing fi gures; together these provide readers an expansive
history of nineteenth century photography. This text
ranges from shorter 200 word entries that provide snap-
shots of photographic fi gures and other key elements of
nineteenth century photography to large, 5,000 word
entries that provide detailed, analytical scholarship for
our readers.
The encyclopedia offers a number of access points
to information. Photography’s history can be explored
by date, by named image-maker, by area, or by process
to name but four, with each of these themes offering a
fresh perspective on the history of the medium.

How to Use This Book
The Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography
contains both alphabetical and thematic tables of
contents for easy reference. These sections allow re-
searchers to quickly and easily locate topics of interest
or a group of similar entries under a specifi c theme. See
Alsos at the end of many entries provide cross-refer-
ences to guide the reader to associated entries. Read-
ers also have the pleasure of viewing the 197 images
placed throughout this work to aid their understanding
of nineteenth-century photography. Included as well
with every major entry is a Further Reading section
in which authors have listed referenced texts or other
works giving additional content on that topic. A thor-
ough, analytical index increases the ease of navigating
these two volumes.
National and Regional Surveys allow readers geo-
graphically oriented access, enabling them to learn about
location-specifi c issues—from the overly humid condi-
tions of South Asia to the arid environment of Egypt.
These sections provide a fresh framework by which
to read, separating true history from the conventional
western-oriented understanding of history that has domi-
nated photographic historiography for a century.
Societies, Groups, Institutions, and Exhibitions of-
fer a unique view of the popularisation of photography
and its encouragement by local and national groups and
organisations, and show how exhibitions were used to
draw together photographers from other countries. In
these entries short- and long-term interest groups and
exhibitions are discussed from conception to either
their conclusion or present day. These discussions
often include the photographers and patrons who were
critically involved in the success of these groups and of
photography in the nineteenth century. Readers will see
a global interconnectedness emerge from these entries
as the histories of these groups are revealed.

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