examine my transparent positive pictures taken on glass,
and that since then, they had tried and made such trans-
parent positive pictures on glass for the stereoscope”
(The Magic Lantern, 1874).
Ferrier produced superb sets of views of Paris and
the Ile-de-France (1851–1853, nos.1–213), followed by
views of England, the Loire Valley, Provence, the Cote-
d’Azur, and Italy (1853–1854, nos. 273–599). During
the period 1855–1857, additional series were produced:
Switzerland (nos. 600–690), a second Italy series (nos.
700–778), Savoie (nos. 778–873), a second Swiss
series (nos. 874–931). Views of Constantinople (nos.
950–1055) and Athens (nos. 1060–1095) were offered
to the public as of June 13, 1857. Finally, Ferrier’s early
work was collected in a general catalogue published in
1859 (nos. 1–2399, with extensive numerical gaps). Var-
ious series had been offered previously in a half-dozen
listings published mostly in stocklists: the Paris views
in Cosmos, 1852; the English series in the Negretti &
Zambra equipment stocklist of 1854; a long series in the
London Stereoscopic Company stocklist of 1855/1856,
appended to the Brewster treatise of 1856; the Gaudin
catalogue of 1856; an advertisement in the journal La
Lumiere, June 1857; and in the Langenheim/American
Stereoscopic Company sales catalogue of 1858.
Late in 1859 Claude-Marie Ferrier, known as “Ferrier
pere,” formed a partnership with his son Jacques-Alex-
andre (1831–1912), known as “Ferrier fi ls,” and Charles
Soulier (before 1840–after 1876). This fi rm was known
as “Ferrier pere, fi ls et Soulier.” Charles Soulier had
been in partnership since 1854 with Athanase Clouzard,
and produced glass stereographs of very fi ne quality
during that period. These often carry a “CS” signature.
An important collection of approximately 1200 “CS”
negatives came with Soulier to the new partnership with
the Ferriers: a Russian series depicting monuments and
sites in Moscow and St. Petersburg (nos. 5001–5191),
and an extensive series of views, mostly taken by Soulier
Soulier, Charles. La Tour St. Jacques la
Boucherie à Paris.
The Metropolitan Museum of
Art, Edward Pearce Casey Fund,
1988 (1988.1072) Image © The
Metropolitan Museum of Art.