The Cognitive Neuroscience of Music

(Brent) #1

Figure 17.8 Activations in left medial frontal cortex (BA 9) for nonmusicians (A) as compared to musicians (B)
during the discrimination of musical tempi.^49 Shown are group mean PET images for each task (contrasted with
rest) overlaid on MRIs. (See Plate 12 in colour section.)

Figure 17.9 Activations in midbrain for nonmusicians (A) as compared to musicians (B) during the discrimi-
nation of musical pattern.^49 These are group-averaged PET images for each task (contrasted with rest) overlaid
on anatomical MRIs. (See Plate 13 in colour section.)

Figure 17.10 Activations in right inferior frontal cortex (BA 47) for nonmusicians (A) as compared to musicians
(B) during discrimination of musical meter.^49 Shown are group-averaged PET images for each task (contrasted
with rest) over-laid on anatomical MRIs. (See Plate 14 in colour section.)

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