Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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strange concerning the circumstances you are in. 4

This was only one of the numerous confirmations, including
private and prayerful counsel from Roger’s pastor, that
prompted Roger only a few days later to ask my dad first, then
me, if he could marry me. We said, “Yes!” And Roger and I
have been married over thirty-one years.

In January 1978, about a month before we were married,
Roger was shaving, and while looking in the mirror, it struck
him: he didn’t buy the glasses from the first eyeglass store. He
had purchased a pair of frames from Mr. Farkas. With a bit of
apprehension, he looked inside his frames, on the earpiece near
the temple. This pair of glasses had its own unique inscription:
one word was placed within a five-cornered star: YES!

We have a little box of mementos that we’ve saved over the
years. Included in its contents are two green Gideon pocket
Bibles, Mr. Farkas’s business card, marking the spot in
Colossians 3, and one pair of really big 1977 eyeglass frames!

God talks to you and me through words of confirmation.
How? The written Word often coupled with unusual and very
exciting circumstances and/or pastoral counsel, along with the
impression of His passionate Holy Spirit, guide you
purposefully in His will. As they converge together in one
experience, you will sense their synergy in that moment, and
later on, you will never forget their impact and importance in
your life.

God talks with a variety of intimate and powerful
expressions—including words of love, conviction, forgiveness,
a n d confirmation. Please don’t ignore, discount, or
underestimate the frequency, familiarity, or passion with
which God wants to talk to you!

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