Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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Third, they pointed out and blew away all of my
misconceptions about prayer (such as: Prayer is what you do
when you’re too old to work; prayer meetings are for those
with the “gift” of prayer; or “one” prayer isn’t enough to
change something). They tore them apart. None were left. I had
no recourse. They made me hungry for God. They showed the
way to Him was to be with Him. I could no longer make excuses
for my laziness. I determined to do whatever it took to get alone
with God daily. I wanted more and more and more of God in my
They reminded me—and I’ve never forgotten—that when
you love someone, you are no longer content just knowing
them, you want to be with them.

In each of the previous chapters, we’ve answered important
questions such as:

to whom God talks,
why God talks,
how God talks,
what God says,
and when God talks.

Though intellectual understanding will certainly expand your
knowledge of God, a personal and conversational relationship
with God will consistently fan the flame of your desire and
passion to know Him more intimately.

A Template for Increasing Your Desire for


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