Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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sermon preached by Oswald Chambers, his simplest
description of his relationship with God is revealed in this
quote: “Get into the habit of saying, ‘Speak, Lord,’ and life will
become a romance.” 2
King David, Rosalind Rinker, and Oswald Chambers
presented their intense love for God not as unattainable or
unapproachable but as available to anyone willing to invite
Him into their hearts. Not wanting to grow stagnant, they
increased their love for God by engaging in intimate, two-way
conversations with Him. This built their trust in God, enough to
enthusiastically and often invite Him to come into the known
place where all love is tested—the heart.

For many of you, your first “real” conversation with God
started with the words “Come into my heart.” And if you are
like me, it was an invitation that changed everything about you
for the better!

If you want to continually increase in intimacy—familiarity,
closeness, and affection—toward God, make it a daily habit to
say the words “Come into my heart, Father. Come into my
heart, Lord Jesus. Come into my heart, Holy Spirit.” Open your
palms and lift your eyes to the sky and say, “Keep coming... .”
Be vulnerable.

Acknowledge God’s Ever-Presence

David never lost sight of God.

David’s written conversations with God kept them in each
other’s presence. He said (and I paraphrase), “You know all
about me! You know when I sit and stand and speak. You
know when I travel or rest. You go before and behind me.”

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