Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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Patient waiting expects God to talk to you in some way, trusting
Him to rescue you.

Patient waiting immediately recognizes and quickly rejects the
negative thoughts that steal hope.

Patient waiting refuses to worry, certain that worry only saps your

Patient waiting puts confidence in the truth of God’s Word and in
His plans for your life, acknowledging His love toward you.
Patient waiting holds on to God’s promises, which surpass human
understanding and instill just enough comfort and courage to keep

Take your patience to another level and turn it into hope—
don’t just endure, but expect. Hope always waits and never
gives up on hearing God talk.

Hearing God Talk Takes Time (the

Management of Time)

If your view of “God Talks” waffles between a good idea that
doesn’t always produce results, an activity that is primarily
performed by those who are assigned to spend time with God
(such as clergy—surely not the average man or woman), and
an exercise in futility that is inconvenient or boring, now is the
perfect time to change your perspective.
Many of the classic authors on prayer suggest that you
must be diligent—even militant—by jealously guarding your
time alone with God. Of course, this assumes you are willing to
set aside time for “God Talks” by giving it such importance and

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