Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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priority that it is reflected in a chunk of time on your calendar!
Corrie ten Boom, a Holocaust survivor whose story, The
Hiding Place, was made into a film by the Billy Graham
Evangelistic Association, called her time alone with God “an
appointment with the King.” In one of her recorded
appearances she said, “Don’t pray when you feel like it; make
an appointment with the King and keep it.”

Her thoughts inspire quite a different perspective, don’t
they? Rather than seeing prayer as a duty you must perform,
she encourages you to see yourself entering a throne room and
gaining an audience with the most majestic and all-powerful
ruler, who amazingly welcomes you into His presence at any

I know you value your time. I, too, consider time my most
precious personal commodity. But I submit to you that “God
Talks” can be the most exciting appointments of your day;
appointments you simply won’t want to miss if you change
your perspective of them, count the small cost of incorporating
them into your daily life, and consider the consequences of
missing out on them.

To change your perspective, begin by placing a value on
your time alone with God. Here are some of the benefits I’ve

· saves time
· reduces stress
· imparts wisdom
· exposes lies
· creates hope
· instills confidence
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