Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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untangled from your lusts and laziness by making decisions in
Recall: It’s very easy to forget the innumerable details or
promises you make to others—unless you write them down.
You are not only reminded to bring the needs of others to God
because their names are written in your journal or notebook,
but you are also reminded of decisions that you made before
God days or months earlier. Written commitments are very
hard to ignore and not so easy to forget.

Action: Written words, like contracts, inspire if not demand
commitment. “I will” is different than “I’ll try.” When written
down, “I will” turns an intention or a good idea into a pledge of
your money, time, and action. Imagination turns into animation
when you write down on paper what is in your mind. I have
proof. Without spending one hour daily with God, I obviously
wouldn’t be writing this book; I might not even be an author. I
doubt I would have over thirty years of sobriety—my family
tree suggests otherwise. I don’t know if I’d be married to the
same man for over thirty years—especially when more than
half of the couples who got married when we did are now
divorced. And I’ve been healthy for over twenty-five years.
For a former overeater, overdrinker, and pill-popper, that’s a
good report! You will become more productive, in every area
of your life, if you talk to God—in writing—about your goals
and desires.

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