Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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Talking to God

Talking is easier than listening for most of us. Even so, talking
to God can be intimidating unless you follow a pattern that has
both order and honor to it. Here is my suggestion:

Begin your “God Talks” with words of praise for Him.

Tell God how and why you trust Him, then admit—agree—that you
need help to change one or more areas of your life.

Next, make specific requests—ask God for His immediate and divine
intervention for yourself and others.

Finally, thank Him for His help—acknowledge how and when and
where He has made himself available to you.

Praise God!

There is an unspoken order to any conversational relationship,
most especially with God. Early on, I instinctively understood
that when you want to daily converse with the King of Kings
and Lord of Lords, it is simply more respectful and polite to
begin by honoring Him with your words of affirmation than to
stampede into the room and blurt out your complaints or
unload your list of needs.
So how does an average human being approach and offer
praise to the living, loving God?

Imagine entering the highest court, a royal throne room, or
the office of a president. Your demeanor is respectful. Your
attitude is attentive. Your first words will undoubtedly be full

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