Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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made public.
Take the Admit aspect of your daily conversation with God
seriously. Don’t let little habits get overlooked, such as lustful
thoughts and glances. Don’t allow judgmental attitudes, lack of
self-control, or unrighteous prejudices to flitter in and out of
your heart, mind, or mouth without regularly dealing with them.

Let God Talk to You

A “Confession Session”
Open the Bible to Psalm 139:23–24, and make this your
prayer. Along with writing down these verses, record any
thoughts God brings to your mind—such as unforgiveness or
bitterness or anger toward someone. Then ask God to give you
courage to let go of your woundedness or pride. Ask Him to
forgive you and give you strength to forgive others.
Allow yourself to have a back-and-forth discussion with
God in the Admit section of your notebook. Tell Him your
struggles. Speak truthfully—if you’re being whiny or selfish,
you’ll probably notice it before God says anything! Let God
know what is frustrating to you and why. Then let Him speak
back to you— giving you suggestions. For example, He might
tell you how to specifically make amends with someone you’ve
hurt. He might give you closure in a different, more personal
way, than you could ever conceive on your own. God might
ask you to make restitution that could cost you money—and
He’ll even give you ideas for payment plans. He might ask you
to immediately remove something from your home or your
vocabulary. And He’ll always give you an opportunity to

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