Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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Ask Confidently

George Müller was called the “believing pray-er” by many
because he taught—throughout his lifetime—that there is a
certain connection between believing in the impossible and
asking for it. In fact, Müller felt that if you did not have
confidence to pray for something, perhaps it was because God
had not given you the faith that He would answer that
particular prayer. He would even ask people not to pray for a
certain request if they showed any doubt that God was able to
answer it.

Of course, of all persons who consistently saw God do
miraculous things—such as move a dense fog so the ship he
was on could get from England to Canada in time for him to
preach, or bring enough food to an orphanage door at
dinnertime to feed children who otherwise would have no food
that evening, or provide the exact amount of money to pay a
bill within hours before it was due—George Müller stands out
as one who often asked of God confidently, and repeatedly
saw Him do the impossible.
Müller also believed you could not muster up enough faith
on your own to pray. You should instead ask God to give you
confidence and courage to pray in a specific way, and then
pray in that manner.

The author of Hebrews (4:16) said it this way: “Let us then
approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may
receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Your confidence in making requests of God cannot be
focused on your own power or ability, but in God’s. Constantly

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