Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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relevant to me today, a Christian woman, speaker, and author
on topics such as prayer and purity? Do my choices of
sobriety, fidelity, and a commitment to a daily devotional life
honor God, even drawing others to want to know Him
personally? Peter’s timeless words fan the flame of my desire to
live a holy and blameless life. They challenge me to live my
twenty-first-century life based on God’s Word—whether or
not the Bible is considered politically correct or culturally
popular by the masses.
Can you see why I consistently read the Bible daily? Not
only did God talk to me on the day my father died, but on any
given day I am exhorted, encouraged, enlightened, and
empowered. But the main reason I keep coming back to read
daily from the New and Old Testaments, Psalms, and Proverbs
is because I don’t want to miss God’s voice. God talks. He

Martin Luther vividly portrays the Word of God in this way:

The Bible is alive; It speaks to me.
It has feet;
It runs after me.
It has hands;
It lays hold of me.

Let God Talk to You Through the Old and New


Dear friend, let God talk to you daily through His written
Word, the Bible. Let God’s Word capture you. Let God take

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