Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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Two weeks later, oblivious to the fact that I had gotten a
ticket for rolling through the same stop sign only fourteen days
earlier, I was just about to do the same thing when I heard a
loud voice say, “Look left.” Of course, I didn’t hear an audible
voice, though my response to the thought was similar to
someone asking me to turn my head—because I didn’t
hesitate, I just looked left! The voice did not say, “Hey, don’t
you think you should make a complete stop here since you got
a ticket for rolling through this same stop sign two weeks
ago?” I didn’t hear, “Maybe the same policeman who was at
this corner last time will be in the same spot this time.” NO,
there was no time for anything but “Look left.” I instantly
looked, and there he was. The very same motorcycle cop was
waiting for... me. A surge of heat ran up my neck and through
my cheeks. I was enormously embarrassed... and incredibly
relieved. I had been spared! I had been given a reprieve. In one
second I had heard the Holy Spirit get my attention and warn
What did I do next? I smiled and waved at Mr. Motorcycle
Cop, made a complete and beautiful stop, and then turned the

The Holy Spirit talks to me through thoughts that always
help, always affirm, and always encourage me. Why? Because
He loves me. He loves me. He loves me!

Let the Holy Spirit Talk to You

What might a conversation with the Holy Spirit sound, feel, or
look like? Here are a few possibilities:

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