Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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A silent battle wages within you—a tension between your desires and
plans for your life and God’s will for your life ensues. Either gently
or relentlessly, the Holy Spirit will ask you to follow God’s will. Will
you go with Him or stay behind?

The Holy Spirit asks you to give more or better of yourself to an
employer. You realize that ignoring His voice is as much an answer
as making an extra effort. How, and perhaps more important, when
will you respond?

The Holy Spirit reminds you of something you said you would do for
someone else—and you’ve completely forgotten about it until the
moment you hear His voice. You hear Him say, “Get the pen out,
write the note (or write the check, wrap up the package, or buy the
book), and send it today.” Do you ignore or embrace the reminder?

You’ve been slowly or swiftly drifting away from spiritual disciplines
that are designed to draw you nearer to God— attending church,
reading your Bible, spending time in prayer, generously giving. You
fondly remember how “sweet” it is to be near to God. You know this
will cost you time. What, when, how will you return to God?

You feel ugly. Or you feel defeated. Suddenly you hear a faint
whisper telling you how precious you are to God. It is a voice so soft
and quiet that you have to really concentrate—tilting your ear
toward the sound to be sure you capture every word. The Holy Spirit
breathes into you the conviction that you are God’s chosen. You are
loved and special. You know you must hold on to these thoughts and
not let them go. Do you take the time to converse with God in
kneeling or written prayer?

You are tempted by an invitation or an image. You hear the Holy
Spirit speak words—just as a loving parent or wise counselor would
use, saying, “Stop! Don’t go there. Say ‘no’ now. Don’t give it
another thought. Say the name of Jesus out loud. Tell ‘it’ to go
away.” Are you grateful or resentful for the help?

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