Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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J. Oswald Sanders, in his book Spiritual Leadership,
describes how vital it is to openly invite the Holy Spirit into
your daily life. He simplifies what many consider a complicated
theological issue by reminding us: “Each of us is as full of the
Spirit as we really want to be.” 8
The Holy Spirit wants to talk to you!
Listen for His voice in the depths of your soul. Don’t resist
Him. Identify those words that resonate with the truths found
in the Bible and hold on to them for dear life. The Holy Spirit’s
words will convict you, but not crush you. They will counsel
you from a pure motive and comfort your soul for all the right
reasons. When words such as these pass through your heart
and mind, God is talking to you through His Holy Spirit.

Let the Holy Spirit talk to you.
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