Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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before the Lord. She confessed all of the sin and told Him how
desperate she was for Him.
It was amazing.
Not so long ago, it was me who was crying, broken and ashamed.
Now I’m the one catching tears.
That whole thing took a couple of hours and when I got back to
my room it was past midnight and I just got on my knees and
thanked the Lord. I was so humbled by what had happened, by what I
got to witness and experience.

Her letter speaks to me. It should speak to every parent,
every student, every pastor, every administrator, every friend,
every roommate, every spouse, and every teacher.

This young generation desperately needs to be restored to
spiritual, physical, and emotional wholeness. Many have been
abandoned. Many have made destructive personal mistakes or
have been horribly abused. Many feel as if they are being
ignored, judged, or left to fend for themselves. They, like every
generation, are desperate for forgiveness and restoration.

God is trying to reach every young man and woman through
anyone who will be a spiritual parent to them and offer these
simple words: “God loves you just the way you are. He
forgives you.”
Paul, in Galatians 6:1, writes, “Brothers, if someone is caught
in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently.”

If God has restored your soul, if He has brought you back to
himself, take on this identity and speak God’s words of
restoration into the lives of those He puts into your life. Pray
David’s words, saying,

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within
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