Linux Kernel Architecture

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Mauerer app03.tex V1 - 09/04/2008 6:11pm Page 1202

Appendix C: Notes on C

normal pointer arithmetic,var++would cause the value to be increased bysizeof(data type).Ifthe
variable is cast into theunsigned longdata type beforehand, the structure can be analyzed byte-by-byte
or its contents can be traversed (this can be very useful when extracting embedded substructures).

C.2.3 Alignment Issues

Let us now turn our attention to alignment issues.

Natural Alignment

Most modern RISC machines mandate that memory accesses arenaturallyaligned: The address at which
an elementary datum is stored must be divisible by the width of the data type. Consider, for instance,
a pointer that is 8 bytes wide on 64-bit architectures. Consequently these pointers must be stored at
addresses that are divisible by 8, so 24, 32, 800, and so on are valid addresses, whereas 30 and 25 are
not. This is not a problem for all ‘‘regular’’ operations because when memory is allocated in the kernel,
it will be allocated properly. The compiler additionally ensures that structures arepaddedto enforce
natural alignment, but if memory access on arbitrary, non-aligned locations is required, the following
two auxiliary functions must be employed:

❑ get_unaligned(ptr), which allows for reading an unaligned pointer.
❑ put_unaligned(val, ptr),whichwritesvalto the unaligned memory location denoted byptr.

Older architectures such as IA-32 handle unaligned access transparently, but most RISC machines do not,
so the functions must be used on all unaligned accesses to ensure portability.

Consider the following structure:

struct align {
char *ptr1;
char c;
char *ptr2;

On 64-bit systems, a pointer requires 8 bytes, while acharvariable needs 1 byte. Although only 17 bytes
are stored in the structure, the size of this definition as reported bysizeofwill be 24. This is because the
compiler ensures that the second pointer,ptr2, is correctly aligned by placing 7 fill bytes — which are
unused — afterc. This is illustrated in Figure C-4.

0 ptr1 7 c 8 Padding 15 ptr2 23
Figure C-4: The compiler automatically inserts padding
space into structures to make them fulfill alignment

The padded bytes in the structure lend themselves naturally to be filled withusefulinformation, so you
should try to arrange your structures accordingly.

If padding must be avoided because, for instance, a data structure is employed to exchange data with a
peripheral device that must receive a data structure exactly as it was defined, the attribute__packedcan
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