Linux Kernel Architecture

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Mauerer bindex.tex V1 - 09/05/2008 9:44am Page 1307


high-resolution timers

generic alignment, C programming, 1203

generic read routine, VFS, 573–574

generic scheduler, 86–87

generic time subsystem.Seetime


genksymtool, 512–513

get free pages.SeeGFP (get free pages)

_getblkfunction, 985–987

GFP (get free pages)

allocation macros, 220–222
allocation masks, 216–220
reserving pages, 222–223

GiB, units of measurements, 7

Git tool, 1165–1169

exporting complete repository with,
incorporating modifications with,
overview of, 1165–1166
tracking development history with,

global clocks, 909

Global IDs, types of PIDs, 55

global variables, fragmentation of memory

and, 205–207

GNU (General Public License), 473–474

GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), 1175

GNU debugger (GDB), 1170–1172

GNU project, 1

gotos, scheduler and, 84

grandchild processes, task relationships, 62

grandparent processes, task relationships,


group and domain scheduling, 126–127

group descriptors

defined, 588
Ex2, 597–599

group leader, thread groups and, 54

group scheduling

priority scheduling, 88
schedulable entities and, 126

groups, timer data structures, 902–904

handler functions
extended attributes (xattrs), 713–714
system calls, 830–832
handles (atomic), Ex3, 639
hard disks
adding to system, 425
generic, 417–420
hard links, 522
hard real-time processes, process priorities,
hardware interrupts
IRQs, 849–850
overview of, 847
hardware IRQs, 849–850
hash lists, C programming, 1214
header, ELF
data structure for, 1251
elements of, 1243–1244
binary format handlers, 82
managing, 327–329
heavy-weight processes.SeeUNIXprocesses
helper functions
for page selection, 223–225
_rmqueuehelper function, 234–240
High Precision Event Timer (HPET), 897
high-level initialization, system startup,
high-level ISRs, 854
highmemcapacity, memory mappings, 256
highmem pages, 134, 430
high-resolution timers, 920–933
data structures, 921–925
dynamic ticks and, 938–939
implementing in high-resolution mode,
implementing in low-resolution mode,
kernel, 16
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