Linux Kernel Architecture

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Mauerer bindex.tex V1 - 09/05/2008 9:44am Page 1315



checking memory utilization prior to
swapping, 1029
definition ofstruct page, 149–151
hot-n-cold pages, 146–148
initialization.Seeinitialization of memory
I/O memory, 445–446
memory zones, 140–144
node management, 138–140
organization in NUMA/UMA model,
overview of, 133–136
page frames, 148–149
page tables.Seepage tables
physical memory.Seephysical memory
processor cache and TLB control, 285–287
slab allocator.Seeslab allocator
summary, 287–288
swap-out for acute shortage, 1090–1092
system calls for managing, 828
zone watermarks, 144–146

memory mappings

abstraction and, 13
address spaces, 312–314
alternatives tovmalloc, 250
creating, 314–317
full synchronization, 1021–1022
I/O memory mapping, 395
kernel, 251
mapping functions withouthighmem
capacity, 256
nonlinear mappings, 318–322
persistent kernel mappings, 251–255
principle of, 297–298
reading from, 574–576
removing, 317–318
reverse mapping, 322–327
temporary kernel mappings, 255–256
virtual process memory, 314

memory pages, kernel architecture and,


memory reclaim, 1086–1092
menu specification, Kconfig, 1147–1148
merge window, kernel development and,
merging regions, 308–309
merging upstream, 1269
message format, netlink, 812–813
message queues, System V, 376–380
data structures for, 377–380
FIFO (first in first out) ordering, 377
functional principle of, 376–377
overview of, 376
MiB, units of measurements, 7
microkernels, implementation strategies, 3
migration threads
code flow diagram for, 124–125
SMP systems and, 123
Minix system, 584
minor numbers
device representation, 401–402
opening device files and, 411
representation of character and block
devices, 398
Mips systems, 1131–1132
mke2fstool, 608–610
MMU (memory management unit)
CPUs, 12
virtual memory support, 290
mobility-based grouping, 207–208
modinfotool, 478–479
modprobetool, 480–481
modules, 473–517
adding/removing, 474–475
aliases, 481–482
automatic loading, 480–483, 507–508
binary structure of, 491–492
binary-only, 19–20
as compensation for disadvantages of
monolithic kernels, 3
CRC checksums methods, 512–513
dependencies, 476–477
exporting symbols, 493–494
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