Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Muslim Pride In Their Doctrine Of


“wage   war on  all of  the idolaters   [non-Muslims]“
Koran 9:36

It would be bad enough if Muslims were only killing
other Muslims, for example Muslims killing those Muslims
who have perhaps agreed to be punished by this moral code
(although oneʼs heart still goes out to children born into this
dogma). But our politicians and academics are mocking the
concept of peace when they excuse those Muslims who are
murdering and maiming us unbelievers who are innocently
going about our daily lives. Why would the followers of a

religion which prized peace,^179 be killing not just
themselves but also others? Buddhist monks have been
known to kill themselves as a form of political protest. But
with Islam we have devout Muslims killing themselves and

others.^180 If Islam was anything like other religions why do
Muslims make threats saying “we love death as much as
you love life”, i.e. they will kill themselves in order to kill

us?^181 This is a world-view that is totally alien to almost
every other civilisation on the planet.
Those of us brought up as Christians or who were
taught to follow a morality imbued with Christian values
were never told of any time when Jesus cut off someone’s
head, we were never told of a martyr for Christianity

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