Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

who was praised for killing another person. Indeed there
are no texts by the followers of Christianity which show
Jesus torturing someone or killing hundreds of people.
There are not even texts by the enemies of Christianity
which claim that Jesus behaved in this way. But in the
core texts of Islam one not only finds Muslims being
commanded to kill the Kuffar, one finds that for over
1000 years Muslims have glorified this violence in their
own texts. These are not texts written by the enemies of
Islam or those family relatives of the victims of Islamic
violence. These are the core Islamic texts which portray
Mohammed as a torturer, a robber, a slave-monger, and
a mass-murderer; they are texts written by Muslims,
preserved by Muslims, promulgated by Muslims. Even those
throughout history who have most hated Christianity have
never attributed to Jesus the kinds of horrendous violence
and evil which Muslims have proudly attributed to
Mohammed. It does not matter if some Muslims tell us that
they only accept the Koran as a guide (as far as the vast
majority of Muslims are concerned, such Muslims would
constitute a tiny minority of heretics). It does not matter if
contemporary Western scholars claim the evidence for
Mohammedʼs existence is slight (Muslim death threats to
such Western scholars are taken so seriously that television
companies cancel scheduled events and will not dare tackle

this subject again).^182 The idea of positing that Mohammed
was not a real historical person is something that Muslims
reject. When the despised Kuffar claim that the man who is
the foundation of their religion did not exist, Muslims’ only
interest is the desire to kill the people who make this claim.

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