Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Muslims have no doubt that Mohammed existed, his
existence being the foundation of Islam: ʻThere is no god
but Allah and Mohammed is his prophetʼ. And the Islamic
texts which provide their most authoritative evidence for his
existence show him as a killer and a slave-monger.
Christianity and Buddhism were founded by men who
killed no-one and who never advocated that others be
killed. Following the first few centuries of Christian
thinking, even suicide, where one killed only oneself, was
turned into a sin. We might validly describe Christianity or
Buddhism as religions of peace. Ibn Ishaqʼs The Life of
Muhammad is the most authoritative Muslim biography of
Mohammed, and was translated from Arabic into English in

  1. In the Table of Contents of this very highly-regarded
    scholarly translation of Mohammed’s biography, it lists the
    battles (wars) fought by Mohammed. You don’t even need
    to read this book to see that Islam is a religion of war, and
    not a religion of peace. You don’t even need to buy this
    book: go to Amazonʼs website and use the “Look Inside”
    feature, and look in the Table of Contents at the title of Part
    III of the book: “Muhammad’s Migration To Medina, His
    Wars, Triumph, And Death”. Does that sound anything like

a religion of peace?^183 How have successive Presidents and
Prime Ministers been permitted to get away with The Grand
Lie, when less than one minute spent with the most
authoritative Muslim biography of Mohammed portrays him
as a warlord?
This core Islamic text tells of Mohammed commanding
that a Jew be tortured over a fire to find out where his gold

is hidden: “Torture him until you extract what he has”.^184

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