Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

otherwise takes months or years of study. The reasons why
Muslims kill for Islam will become readily apparent, and the
reader will easily be able to convince family, friends and
colleagues that these are the reasons. The Introduction
proves that this view of Islam was the standard view among
Western experts for centuries before Muslim terrorists
brought down the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001.
The reader need no longer be fobbed-off with lies such
as “Islam is a religion of peace”, or “Islam is opposed to all
killing”, or “Muslims only fight in self-defence”. With the
expertise gained from this book, the electorate can start to
demand political change, before it is too late.
We would like to thank the following for their
assistance in providing inter alia advice, reference material,
organisational guidance, proof-reading: Alex Felix, Andrew
Bostom, Brian John Thomas, Gavin Boby, Kay, Paul
Collins, Robert Bor.
Any defects which remain in this work are the
responsibility of the authors. This book was originally
conceived as a print book using traditional academic
practices, however Kindle will not permit such standards as
paragraph indents on both sides. Sadly, this deficiency in
the Kindle format means that extended quotations are only
indented on the left.

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