Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1
Muslims  believe     that    expansion   through     war
is not aggression but a fulfilment of the
Qur’anic command to spread Islam as a way
to peace. The resort to force to disseminate
Islam is not war (harb), a word that is used
only to describe the use of force by non-
Muslims. [...] those who resist Islam cause
wars and are responsible for them.^225

War in the name of Islam is thus not even considered as
war by Muslims. The world is so entirely seen through the
lens of Islam, that when Muslims go to war against us
Kuffar it is the fault of the Kuffar for our intransigence in
refusing to submit to Islam. As a violent husband blames his
battered wife for speaking back, so Muslims kill the Kuffar
for resisting Islam. The bully feels no guilt for his actions.
Whilst politicians and journalists tell the public that

“Islamic State is not Islamic”,^226 in truth Islamic State is far
closer to following the behaviour of Mohammed than are all
those Muslims who live in the West and who lie to us about
the past, present and future victims of Islam, who lie to us
about the nature of this unchanging ideology. As one of the
mainstream non-Muslim experts of Islam said, five years
before the hundreds of jihadi attacks in the West which
followed the collapse of the World Trade Center:

The  doctrine    of  jihad,  as  laid    down    in  the
works on Islamic law, developed out of the
Koranic prescriptions and the example of
the Prophet and the first caliphs, which is
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