Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1
recorded     in  the     hadith.     The     crux    of  the
doctrine is the existence of one single
Islamic state, ruling the entire umma [pan-
national community of Muslims]. It is the
duty of the umma to expand the territory of
this [Islamic] state in order to bring as many
people under its rule as possible. [...]
Expansionist jihad is a collective duty [...]
which is fulfilled if a sufficient number of
people take part in it.^227

This shows how Muslims around the world are connected as
a single network (the Ummah) to sharia law, to the Islamic
State and to jihad. It also explains why not all Muslims need
to become jihadis: as long as enough Muslims are engaging
in warfare to expand the territory of Islam, then the
collective moral obligation of the Ummah is being met.
Your friendly Muslim colleague does not have any
obligation to become a jihadi while enough of his Muslim
brothers are killing to subjugate us Kuffar.

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