Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Islam = Islamism = Violent Islamism

“Obey   Allah   and obey    the messenger”
Koran 5:92

It is often said that among Muslims only “Islamists”
believe in no separation between personal religion and
political Islam. Our Quisling leaders even distinguish

between “Islamists” and “violent Islamists”.^234 It seems
those who make these distinctions think there is nothing
wrong with transitioning to an anti-democratic state based
on laws from the Dark Ages, provided the new barbaric and
discriminatory theocracy is imposed upon us Kuffar by
demographic change instead of terrorism. Islam would be
imposed upon Christians (who would become non-citizens)
and atheists and Buddhists (who would be killed), but that
would not happen for decades to come, and thus the elite
tell the people of the West there is nothing to worry about

(since atheists out-number Christians in the UK,^235 under
Islam those atheists would be offered the stark choice:
become Muslims or die). What the elite never tell the
electorate is that the single biggest voting bloc in the United
Nations is the OIC, a grouping of Muslim countries who
have rejected the principle and details of the UNʼs charter of
universal human rights. Such international organisations of
Muslim countries can openly tell the world that Islam puts
slavery above human rights, and the government-supported
“human rights organisations” do not say a word.

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