Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

The claim we hear over and over again is that only a
minority of ʻMuslim extremistsʼ are violent. However, some
Muslims not being engaged in warfare is an intrinsic part of
the programme of Islam. The Koran contains commands for
some Muslims to hang back from the risk of being killed in
battle in order to propagate the system of rules that is Islam.

And  the     believers   should  not     all     go  out     to
fight. Of every troop of them, a party only
should go forth, that they (who are left
behind) may gain sound knowledge in

The above command is among the very last commands to
be uttered by Mohammed. Remember, the Koran came to be
written down and collated into a single text only because the
most devout Muslim followers of Mohammed were dying

off in wars imposing Islam on others.^237 Thus, not all
Muslims are jihadis because already in the early days of
Islam it was recognized that the doctrine of Islamic
supremacism could not be perpetuated if all the devout
Muslims are killed in battle at the same time. So, the
number of Muslims actually going off to die to impose
Islam gives us victims of Islam no indication of the
number of Muslims prepared to kill and to die for Islam in
any future struggle to impose Islam on the Kuffar.
The bogus distinction between “Islam” and “Islamism”
came about to try to pretend that there was a “religious
Islam” and a “political Islam”, with the latter supposedly
being a modern Western-inspired heresy against “the

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