Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Deception Is Part Of Islamic Morality

“those  who swear   allegiance  unto    thee    (Muhammad),
swear allegiance only unto Allah. The Hand of Allah is
above their hands. So whosoever breaketh his oath,
breaketh it only to his soul’s hurt; while whosoever
keepeth his covenant with Allah, on him will He bestow
immense reward.”

Koran 48:10
The calculated deception by Muslims is an ever-present
possibility and reality. Patrick Sookhdeo is an ex-Muslim
with multiple research degrees from some of the most
prestigious organisations in the West. In his book Global
Jihad, Dr. Sookhdeo has an entire chapter on the Muslim
doctrine of deception (taqiyya). Quoting Iranian political
scientist Hamid Enayat, Sookhdeo says that this
religiously-sanctioned deception has “become the norm of
public behaviour among all Muslims – both Sunni and
Shi’a – wherever there is a conflict between faith and

expediency”.^274 The hadiths claim that Mohammed
permitted lying in only three situations and one of those

three was in war.^275 As we will explain in detail below, the
relationship between the world of Islam and the rest of the
world is one of permanent war. Thus, there is no reason why
any Muslim should ever tell the truth to a Kuffar. Other
hadiths have Mohammed giving people permission to lie in

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