Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

order to go and kill a critic of his religion of war.^276 Indeed,
this deception even goes so far as allowing a Muslim to
(pretend to) renounce Islam, an offence which otherwise

carries the death-penalty for Muslims.^277 This act of
pretending that one is not a Muslim is actually why
deception is associated with Shia Muslims (they were so
often persecuted by Sunni Muslims, that the doctrine of
deception became far more developed and explicit in Shia
Islam). Dr. Sookhdeo goes on to say that there are in fact
entirely different narratives stated by Muslims, depending

on whether or not their audience are Muslims or Kuffar.^278
Thus there is no reason for us Kuffar to ever believe what
we are told by a Muslim. If we want to know the truth about
Islam we have their texts and we have over one thousand
years of evidence of Muslims implementing the programme
detailed in these texts.
This does not mean that over a trivial issue that one
should expect a Muslim to be untruthful (such as asking a
Muslim the time of day). But when it comes to anything
which might impede Islam in its mission, one cannot

expect the truth from a Muslim.^279 The Muslim world-
view is duplicitous: everything and everyone not Islamic is
outside of the realm of truth, our very existence is the
manifestation of falsity, so there is no reason for them to
tell us the truth if lies will advance Islam further. To
Muslims there is no truth other than Islam: outside of
Islam there is no truth. Thus when a Muslim is deceiving a
Kuffar it is not a sin to the Muslim, because the Kuffar is
someone who lives outside of truth. This is what it means

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