Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

for an ideology to be totalitarian: it is a hermetic system,
immune to any correction from outside the system. No
matter how rational the Kuffar’s critique of Islam might
be, to a Muslim the Kuffar's opinion has no more
importance than the barking of a dog.
An example of such deception is when Muslims are in
debate with non-Muslims, and the latter refers to something
in the hadiths. The Muslim may dismiss what is said by
saying “only the Koran is authentic; that hadith is a
fabrication”. By saying this the Muslim will hope that those
listening will assume “fabrication” means “fiction” or
“false”. But in reality all the Muslim is saying is that the
hadiths are stories told by Muslims (humans) about
Mohammed, while the Koran is thought (by Muslims) to be
a flawless repetition of the words of Allah (hence authentic
as in “coming directly from the author, the creator”). The
trusting victim of Islam (the Kuffar) might take from this
that some hadith which makes Islam look bad was actually
something that all Muslims would dismiss as fake, when in
fact that hadith was instead crucial to the way Muslims
practice Islam. But “fabricated” here just means that the
hadith has come from the voice of man rather than having
been supposedly repeated verbatim by Mohammed from
Allah. This is the kind of underhand tactic a Muslim would
use if there were other Muslims who might object to a flat-
out lie (as the debating Muslim might actually be construed
as an apostate if making a bold lie). In a situation where
there was a tremendous benefit to be gained for the Ummah
from a Muslim pretending not to be a Muslim, this too
would be permitted (for example, if the Muslim had the

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