Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

When Muslims and their Quisling allies hear of the
book you are reading, one of the principal deceits they will
adopt will be to question the translation of the Koran we
use. Indeed, they may even question the very possibility of

any translation of the Koran,^286 or say that only an Arab can
comment on the content of the Koran. They might even go
so far as to say that the Arabic commentator must also be a
Muslim as well as a speaker of Arabic. Let us dismiss these
arguments with the brevity they deserve: we would never
accept a Nazi telling us that only a German speaker, and an
actual paid-up member of the National Socialist Party, could
comment on Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Universal hostility
towards National Socialism and Mein Kampf is expected
from all of us, even if we have never read the book and
cannot speak German. If we are supposed to be able to
form an independent view of an ideology and its founding
texts, then we can have an opinion on the Koran just as
easily as an opinion on Mein Kampf, an opinion on Islam
just as validly as an opinion on Nazism. And to have an
opinion on Mein Kampf we do not need to read it in
German; reading it in translation is sufficient. In fact, the
near-universal hostility there is towards National Socialism
comes from people who have never even read Mein Kampf.
No-one objects that it is “Naziphobic” to oppose National
Socialism out of ignorance. So no time should be given to
this specious objection to reading the Koran in translation.
Muslims sometimes object to the Koran being
translated out of Arabic, saying that the Koran cannot be
translated. This is a ridiculous notion both theoretically and
practically. In practical terms it is nonsense since most of the

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