Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

world’s Muslims read the Koran in languages other than

The  majority    of  Muslims     have    to  read    the
Koran in translation in order to understand it.
Contrary to what one might think, there have
been translations of the Koran into, for
instance, Persian, since [as long ago as] the
tenth or eleventh century, and there are
translations into Turkish and Urdu. The Koran
has now been translated into over a hundred
languages, many of them by Muslims
themselves, despite some sort of disapproval
from the religious authorities.^287

So, ignore those Quislings who might say that this book is
dealing with a translation rather than the original Arabic
Koran. The translation we use is one of the most widely-
accepted translations of the Koran into English. You might
find the kind of English used in this translation reminds you
of studying Shakespeare in school and that might seem old-
fashioned, but that is a matter of style, not proof of the
impossibility of translation. Suffice to say, the Koran we
are using was translated into English by a scholar of
Arabic, a man who also was a convert to Islam. The allies
of Islam would be hard-pressed to find a more suitable
candidate to present the Koran in the most favourable
light to the Kuffar readership. If anything, we Kuffar
should be more worried that his translation is likely to
make Islam sound less violent and less discriminatory

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