Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Fundamental Importance Of


“Nothing    of  our revelation  (even   a   single  verse)  do  we
abrogate or cause be forgotten, but we bring (in place)
one better or the like thereof.”
Koran 2:106

Any Koran the unguided reader picks up makes almost
no sense, because as a book the Koran is a jumbled-up
collection of chapters. Most Muslims are unguided readers,

as are most of us Kuffar.^291 Are we being Eurocentric,
expecting the Koran to be in some kind of rational order?
For decades now, the Leftist allies of Islam have been
attacking independent experts in the West, claiming these
experts are “Orientalists”, Westerners imposing a
Eurocentric view of “the East” on quaint and colourful
foreigners, people who simply do things differently from us
(to the Romans the word “orient” meant “the lands east of
the Mediterranean”, from the Latin verb “to rise” i.e. the
lands where the sun rises). There is no need for us to enter
into a refutation of their ridiculous Quisling notion of

Orientalism^292 in order to point out that in its traditional
order, the Koran is a jumbled-up mess of ideas. Why?
Because Muslims themselves have themselves needed to
know the chronological order of the Koran.
Why have Muslims themselves needed to put the

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