Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

them had not read and which they were never going to
read? Because the very title of that book draws attention
to the role of abrogation in Islam. According to Islam’s
own history books, when Mohammed had “revelations”
about accepting other gods than Allah, Mohammed started
to lose the few Muslim converts he had managed to

acquire.^304 Since Mohammed claimed that he wasn’t just
making up these revelations of the Koran, Mohammed
had to have Allah give him a subsequent revelation which
cancelled the verses accepting other gods. But since Allah
is supposedly an infallible being, it had to be “Satan” who
gave Mohammed the revelations which first allowed the
Muslims to be flexible in the worshipping of gods other than

Allah in this multicultural environment in Mecca.^305
Without the concept of later verses abrogating the earlier
verses, the Satanic verses where Mohammed allowed
Muslims to pray to other gods would still be in effect.
Abrogation is the only way that Muslims can reconcile
such contradictions in a book which is supposed to be the
eternal and infallible word of God.
In over a quarter of a century since The Rushdie Affair,
the Quisling class have never bothered to ensure that the
electorate in the West should understand why it was that
Muslims did not want the Kuffar to understand that the
Satanic verses of the Koran were a pivotal moment in Islam.
The elite would not have had to go into too much detail, but
could have ensured that the electorate in different countries
understood why the concept of the Satanic verses is a
fundamental issue for Islam and for Muslims. That is,
once Mohammed’s followers were given a choice to

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