Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

understand less about Islam now than they did in the

century leading up to World War II.^314 It has been possible
to deceive the people of the West, hiding the Koran’s calls
for genocide and apartheid against the Kuffar behind the
illogical ordering that is the traditional order of the Koran.
Without this deception, it is unlikely that the people of the
West would ever have allowed millions of Muslims to
immigrate into our countries, bringing Islamic terrorism and
violence with them. The chronological translation by
Rodwell basically disappeared from view after World
War II, pushed out of the marketplace of ideas by a dozen
or more obscurantist translations, which were all
produced by Muslims or by apologists for Islam. It was
contrary to the aim of these people (promoting Islam to us
Kuffar) to have chronological Korans around. Why
would Christians be open to followers of a religion whose
final message was to promote apartheid and genocide? In
the wake of the totalitarian horrors of the 1930s and the
1940s, why would decent people in the West want to
subscribe to an ideology which was more reminiscent of the
worst excesses of Communism or National Socialism than
the religion of their ancestors? But this thicket of misleading
Koran translations provided the background against which
the Quisling elite could deceive the public with The Grand
Lie: “Islam is a religion of peace”.
Politicians in the West show no readiness to stop
repeating The Grand Lie. After the horrific terrorist attack by
Muslims in Paris in November 2015, the woman who was to
be the Democratic Party candidate for the subsequent
American Presidential election said: “Let’s be clear: Islam is

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