Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people

and have nothing to do whatsoever with terrorism”.^315 This
claim by Hilary Clinton about Muslims being “a peaceful
and tolerant people” was sandwiched between the terrorist
attack by Muslims on British tourists in Tunisia and the
terrorist attack by a Muslim on a gay club in Florida (the
largest single act of mass slaughter of homosexuals in

recorded history).^316 So-called “progressive” politicians are
clearly desperate to stop the public from noticing that it is

Jews^317 and gays and Christians^318 whom Muslim terrorists
are now singling out for execution in the West, in Africa and
in the Middle East.
Muslims around the world must laugh at the
freedom-loving, democracy-loving West, where our
elected leaders can lie to us blatantly about the doctrines
and history of Islam. The lies from these politicians are
not contradicted by academics or religious leaders. Our
so-called “free press” does nothing to hold the politicians
to account for their deception. And so the voters keep
freely putting these deceitful politicians in positions of
power above us. No amount of terrorist murder by Muslims
in the West has seemed to affect the way we have acted as

voters.^319 No doubt Muslims see our part in this cycle of
deception as yet further proof that democracy is a
fundamentally flawed system, and that Muslims are right to
want democracy replaced by sharia law: we Kuffar keep
electing leaders who work to import an ideology which
throughout its entire history has been committed to the
violent subjugation of the Kuffar. Why would any Muslims

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