Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Islamʼs Clear Offer: Submit Or Die

“Fight  against such    of  those   who have    been    given   the
Scripture [Jews and Christians] as believe not in Allah
nor the Last Day, and [who] forbid not that which
Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and [who]
follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the
tribute [protection money] readily, being brought low.”
Koran 9:29

Whilst our societies are busy discussing celebrity
gossip, gay marriage and gender-neutral lavatories the
Islamisation of the West continues inexorably. With every
Islamic terrorist attack since 9/11, our leaders and the
media have rushed again to brainwash the public into
thinking “Islam is the religion of peace”. By lying for
Islam and pretending that Islam is a religion of peace, the
elite are adopting the position of Dhimmi in relationship to
Islam: that is, under Islam the Dhimmi is a Christian or a
Jew protected from being killed by Muslims provided the
Dhimmi exhibits nothing but respect for, and subservience

to, Islam.^320 As Bat Yeʼor made clear so many times in the
last forty years, the refusal to criticise Islam just strengthens

the position of Islamʼs followers.^321 The Kuffar who
conceal the doctrines of war in Islam and conceal the
history of conquests and subjugation might as well be
Muslims. Some Muslims will tell us Kuffar the truth about
Islamic doctrine and the history of Islam, and these

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