Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

people who were highly-educated had no reason to
misunderstand that Islam is an ideology that sees itself as a
religion of war. But with the collapse of the World Trade
Center it became clear that the West had an enormous
vulnerability from Muslims within our borders. So rather
than use over a century of Western insight about Islam to
educate the electorate, our highly-educated elite perpetrated
The Grand Lie.
In addition to the mainstream scholar Professor
Huntington, the equally mainstream and highly-
credentialed Islamic scholar Professor Bernard Lewis
warned that since Islam acknowledges only the single god
of Islam, as far as Muslims are concerned there can only

be one political system on earth: Islam.^324 Indeed, as far
back as the 1970s, Professor Lewis was telling the West that
it was a mistake to interpret Islam from our own Christian
and secular perspective.

Christianity,    during  the     first   formative
centuries of its existence, was separate from
and indeed antagonistic to the state with
which it only later became involved. Islam
from the lifetime of its founder was the
state, and the identity of religion and
government is indelibly stamped on the
memories and awareness of the faithful from
their own sacred writings, history, and
experience [...] Muhammad did not die on the
cross. As well as a Prophet, he was a soldier
and a statesman, the head of a state and the
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