Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

taught.^340 However, given the lack of critical information
about Islam available to those outside universities, instead of
Ibn Warraqʼs exposition being widely discussed by the
media in the aftermath of The Rushdie Affair, what the
people of the West were given was deception and
confusion. And a decade after Ibn Warraq’s warning,
thousands of people in the West were dead or injured from
terrorist attacks by Muslims; in the attacks of September
11th 2001, but in the siege of a school in Beslan (2004), the
attacks on the transport system of Madrid (2004) and of
London (2005). In a series of books between 2004 and
2008 another ex-Muslim, Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo, also warned
the West of this link between jihad and the Muslim
conception of the World of War and the World of Islam:

Linked  to  the concept of  jihad   is  the division
of the world into two domains: the House of
Islam (Dar al-Islam) and the House of War
(Dar al-Harb). Muslims are supposed to
wage jihad to change the House of War
(where non-Muslims are politically
dominant) into the House of Islam,
politically dominated by Muslims.^341

But no matter how many die in terrorist attacks by jihadis,
no matter what risks ex-Muslims and independent experts
take to warn us, the Quisling elite ignore all the evidence
and insist that Islam is a religion of peace.
It is as if the politicians, clergy, journalists and
academics are wilfully blind. To show how the narrative

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