Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

National Socialism was over in the blink of an eye. Islam
encompasses religion, politics, etiquette, morality, legality
and even the conduct of war. Islam is so all-encompassing

that truth itself is subservient to the total system.^14
As the Koran contained in this book makes abundantly
clear, the world-view of Muslims is based on a world that is
divided in two parts: the world of peace (Dar al-Islam)
where Islam reigns, and the world of war (Dar al-Harb), the
lands of the people who have not submitted to rule by Islam.
The process of converting Dar al-Harb to Dar al-Islam is
called jihad. If we turn to mainstream scholarly works from
the 1980s we see that this is made emphatically clear: the
entry on Jihad in a thirteen volume encyclopaedia about the
Middle Ages says that the world of war “must be brought

under the rule of Islam by ceaseless jihad”.^15 It is thus a
holy duty for every Muslim to assist in increasing the area
controlled by Islam, whether by preaching or by violence.
As you will see for yourself in our Koran, the division into
those two oppositions — peace and war, believer and
unbeliever — permeates the book. But you are not to be
allowed to know that these are the fundamental principles of
Islam, you are to be deceived by schools and the media into
believing that Islam is “a religion of peace” and that
throughout history Muslims have been tolerant people.
It is only when the Koran has been arranged
chronologically that the non-Muslim can see that Islam is
constructed to bring the non-Muslim to kneel before
Muslims and Islam. The book you have before you is the
most overt attempt to display the chronological structure
of the Koran and to prove that the Koran commands war

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