Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

as the freedom of these courageous dissidents is curtailed by
the threat of assassination by the soldiers of Allah). The
dissidents are smeared as evil whilst their would-be killers
are concealed in a thicket of ʻmoderate Muslimsʼ. The most
notable example of a dissident is Geert Wilders, the Dutch
MP whom the British government banned from entering the
UK, although it is hard to tell if history will even remember

any of these dissidents.^358
Since Muslims have themselves proudly written books
recording that Mohammed only succeeded by becoming a
warlord and slave-monger, perhaps we in the West should
be able to expect our own writers of military history to tell
us Kuffar the truth about the fate that Islam has in store for

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