Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

jihadis around the world not only kill by beheading with a
sword, but they also fly a flag with a sword on it. They
understand the significance of the verse of the sword.
Any project that attempts to offer an understanding
of the Koran without explaining abrogation and without
showing which verses have been cancelled is a project

that is doomed to failure.^364 When you turn to our
presentation of the Koran, which begins with the last
things Mohammed said, you will see that the verse of the
sword is on the first page. No other Koran in history has
put the Koran into reverse chronological order. Thus our
presentation of the Koran is the first Koran in history
which allows the reader to see Islam from the most
important perspective (the most important view for both
Muslims and for the victims of Islam), seeing the Koran as
it is seen by governments like Saudi Arabia and by jihadi
groups like Islamic State. The part of the Koran which
cancels out over 120 other parts is usually hidden away in
the midst of verses which it overrides.
This ex-soldierʼs book contains an Appendix where he
lists 214 “major” Muslim battles (his list does not even start
until 633AD, the year after Mohammed died). The first ten
of the battles listed were attacks initiated by “the religion of
peace”. Indeed, after the first ten battles following
Mohammedʼs death, and other cultures started to fight back,
from the first thirty-six battles listed, twenty-eight of them
were attacks initiated by “the religion of peace”. If one takes
into account the attacks undertaken when Mohammed was
alive, then we see a history with scores of battles initiated by
the followers of Islam, and it was other cultures who were

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