Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1
have     devised,    has     all     the     makings     of  a
thoroughgoing cult of death.^19

Sam Harrisʼ book received glowing reviews from many
members of the educated elite and was praised as a best-
seller. But in the decades following 9/11 this kind of
information never found its way into public debates among
the educated elite, despite Islam affecting the personal
security and the rights to privacy and freedom of speech of
all. A wall of deception is maintained by politicians,
clergy, schools and the media who want to maintain The
Grand Lie that “Islam is a religion of peace”. They
ensure that truly informed discussions about Islam are
confined to a small group of intellectuals. Such books as
the one cited above might as well have never been written:
they are like cogs turning inside a large machine, but cogs
which connect to no other part of the machine. More than a
decade later, and despite all the praise heaped upon the Sam
Harris, politicians could still claim that “Islam is a religion of
peace” and there would be no dissent heard by the general
public. There would be no voice heard to contradict The
Grand Lie, there would be no gruelling television interview
where a journalist or some expert would challenge the
politicians’ lies.
I n Mohammed’s Koran we vividly demonstrate the
point made by Sam Harris and show you that, seen in the
context of expert opinion of the previous centuries, his
claim was nothing new. That the essence of Islam is
permanent war with non-Muslims was the standard view
of Islam held by Western scholars before 9/11. The

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